Hi! If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call or text me @ 323-989-3244 – Scott

What is Sandwich Party Sunday?

I like to describe it like this:

“We throw parties, make sandwiches and take them to the streets with love!”

What is different about Sandwich Party Sunday?

We make it as fun and sustainable as possible for regular people to spread love in their communities.

Who is behind this?

Who We Are

How did it start?

The Story

What is your mission statement?

The mission of Sandwich Party Sunday is to spread love in communities around the world in a way that’s fun and sustainable.

What is the philosophy and approach behind this?

Sandwich Party Sunday is an organic movement based on the following ideas:

  • The more connected we are, the more we all benefit.
  • We have all the resources we need to take care of each other.
  • We must take care of each other.
  • None of us are as intelligent, insightful or talented as all of us.
  • Everyone’s experience is important.
  • Though we can’t help everyone in the beginning, no one is to be ignored and no one is to be left behind in the end.
  • There are no enemies. This is not a movement of resistance against what we don’t like. This is a movement based on creating the world we want to live in.
  • We all benefit when we’re able to contribute the gifts that we’re best suited to give in whatever form they may take.
  • We don’t need to see the entire path. We only need to take the next step with proper intent.
  • The food we give is not a handout. This is a community decision that we take care of each other.
  • There are no requirements for who gets a sandwich. They’re available to anyone who wants them.
  • Sandwich Party Sunday is not affiliated with any company, religion or political party. Sandwich Party Sunday is for everyone.

What are your core values?

  • Connection. At Sandwich Party Sunday we strengthen the bonds between each other and in our communities. The more connected we are, the more we all benefit. Get to know the names of the people you serve. Get to know they people you serve with. Be a part of the Sandwich Party Sunday community.
  • Faith. The longer we do this and the better we get at it, the more it will spread and the more resources we’ll have to make a real difference for all of us. We don’t need to see the whole road to take the next step. We just need to take the next step with proper intent and an open heart. Amazing things will happen. You can count on it.
  • Opportunity. When plans don’t go as expected, find the opportunity. Make the negative into a positive. And when an opportunity presents itself, seize it!
  • Resilience. Some people have been so neglected and abused that they won’t be able to accept the food or the love we have to offer. Sometimes we will make mistakes. Sometimes circumstances will challenge us. We don’t let these things deter us from doing whatever good we can.
  • Ownership. Every single person has something important to offer to the cause. Never underestimate your own contribution. We’re creating this movement together.
  • Creativity. Your creativity benefits the entire Sandwich Party Sunday community. Don’t be shy. Be bold and experiment.
  • Sustainability. The goal is not to feed as many people as possible on any given day. The goal is to change our culture until everyone has their needs met. In order to do that, we must operate in a way that’s sustainable. This should never become a burden or a chore for anyone involved.
  • Learning. A commitment to Sandwich Party Sunday will provide many learning opportunities. Make the most of them.
  • Leadership. We’re all leaders – to each other and in our communities. Never underestimate the power of your influence. Good things rub off.
  • Fun. The word “party” is used on purpose. Enjoy yourself and help others have a good time.

Finally, here is the manifesto:
