Something is wrong. And deep inside we all know it.

We fight each other with hostility and contempt as though we’re enemies.

The loudest, most divisive words are shared and repeated over and over again and we respond as though the only answer to this is to raise our voices in anger.

We have material comforts beyond our ancestor’s wildest imaginations, yet we’re deeply unsatisfied.

And while this is all happening, on our streets, there are human beings with no shelter, no hope and no rest.

We walk right past them, caught in our own struggle to keep up, trying to accumulate enough money to make us feel secure, trying to keep up a charade: that we’re OK, that we have it together.

But it’s a sham and deep inside we all know it.

We’re sleepwalking through a game we cannot possibly win and we’re sacrificing our humanity in the process.

It’s time we start over.

Instead of contorting ourselves and each other to try and fit into this broken society that doesn’t serve us, it’s time we rebuild our broken society to serve ALL of us.

A society that values humanity, community, love, compassion, respect and unity above all else. A society that will settle for nothing less.

The love, the security, the fulfillment, the peace and the happiness we seek can only be found in our connection to each other.

We could all use a little less judgement and a lot more empathy.

So open your heart and offer your hand. When you see someone in need, #dontturnaway. Even when you can’t help them. Look them in the eyes and resolve that you will not forget them and that you will be back.

Learn the names of the people in your community.

And when someone in your neighborhood is harming themselves or others, offer them compassion and guidance. They’re craving it.

Everything we’re looking for can be found by remembering our humanity.

We don’t need to wait for anything or anyone.

You don’t need to read a book or take a class or buy new clothes or lose those extra pounds and you don’t need more money.

Everything we need has been inside of us all along.

Someday is today. Join us.